This is life.
I can either fight it, continue to waste time looking for the magic pill, the quick fix, cracking a joke or I can get real. I chose to get real. I can NOT keep starving myself all day, and eat a big dinner and cocktails..... and actually expect to change my body. .... even with running.
Ive been craving dinner leftovers today. So, rather than fixate on it all day long. I chose to have a small serving for breakfast, and I'll opt for a protein shake for dinner. I dont feel guilty and I will burn it off throughout the day.
Ive also released my addiction to the scale. Ive vowed to only weigh myself on the first of the month.
Im no longer saying I have to loose 46 lbs. by June 1st. Theres no end date to this. If it takes until June of be it.
Each day I am committed to make healthy eating habits for myself and healthy cooking habits for my family.
I was going to get a two year subscription to Savour (foodie magazine). I opted for Runners World instead.
I tossed out the pack of cigarettes hidden over my stove behind the vases...the pack typically will last me a year.
Im reorganizing my closet and tossing fat clothes. Gym wear front and center.
Im committed to speak kindly to myself and find a part of my body that is beautiful everyday (even if its earlobes for the first two weeks).
My social calendar is going to look different. Instead of meet for martinis, its going to be meet for a run. Instead of taking boys bowling where ill be tempted with beer, Im taking them sledding where I can run hills in the snow..... Being the active mom they love.
Im doing this for my marriage, my boys, but mostly for myself. Im taking control of my life.
Little changes will bring big results.
~Kimmon (46 lbs to go)
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