Thursday, October 3, 2013

I no longer say diet in the sense that you are following a restricted diet someone else has come up for you.  Your diet is simply that, YOUR diet.  Each day you tweak, learn, and you might mess up.  You need to learn and move on.  Planning on being fit and healthy can't be just a thing you do on top of our incredibly busy lives, it has to be part of your life, just like taking care of your kids and home, you job.  I am at nearly 4 weeks, and this is the first time I question any true changes.  I fight those demons off constantly.  This is not an instant result life style, but a process.  I imagine 4, 5 month down the road, and I see a woman who is just starting to look the way she wants.  My expectations of my weight are fading, there is no perfect number for me, perfection is in the eye of the beholder.  Each day I improve, tweak and add I try to embrace.  This week I added 20 minutes of cardio on my off days.  I did legs yesterday, and I am exhausted, sore and it was the last thing I wanted to do at 5am, but I was excited see that 20 minute mark pop up!!

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